SEO for beginners must see: How to choose suitable keywords for the corporate website SEO?


For SEO beginners, as a SEO personnel responsible for corporate websites, how to choose suitable keywords for corporate websites is also believed to be a problem for many beginner SEO staff. Next, I have analyzed the keywords of how to select keywords for the corporate website SEO with my personal experience for many years of SEO experience, helping your website stand out in search engines.

First of all, we need to understand what keywords are? How to study keywords? And what are the aspects of choosing suitable keywords? In order to further optimize the layout of the keywords of the website.

I、What is keywords?

As one of the questions that are old, many SEO beginners are still in a very vague concept of website keywords, and do not have a clearer understanding of how to choose keywords for SEO. So what is keywords? The keywords are words or phrases that users enter the search engine. They are bridges connecting user needs and website content. Selecting keywords correctly can ensure that when potential customers are searching for relevant information, accurately match the website to ensure that they can appear at the forefront of search results, thereby increasing the click -through rate and conversion rate.

II、Keyword research stage

 1.Clarify the goal and the audience: First, clarify your business goals and target audience. Understand what problems your products or services are solved, and who is most likely to be your customers.

Taking iPhone as an example, if you want to make an official website about the iPhone mobile phone, you can clarify that the business goal is how to sell the iPhone mobile phone and how to do a good job of the iPhone mobile phone marketing. Regarding the target audience, it is mainly for young groups that have clear requirements for mobile phones and operating memory. The main problem is to investigate the core needs of young groups for mobile phones? Such as: mobile phone use fluency, mobile phone memory, network signal, etc. In order to further optimize the layout and laying of core product words.

2、Use tools to assist: After understanding the user’s needs, how to dig a batch of long -tail traffic words, and how to find it? It is what we need to consider after a survey. Here we need to use the third -party SEO digging tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, Semrush, etc. for keyword research. These tools can provide key data for keyword search, competition, and correlation to help us further analyze the data of the keywords.

The following is a part of the words of the semrush keyword excavation:


3.Analyze competitors: View the ranking of competitors in search engines, and understand which keywords they use. This can not only provide you with inspiration, but also help you identify potential opportunities. (SEMRush tools can find the basic situation and data information of competitors, which can effectively help us analyze which words can be used as key vocabulary of our traffic)


III、Choose suitable keywords

  1. Correlation: Make sure the selected keywords are highly related to your website content. Avoid choosing popular vocabulary that is not related to business, so as not to attract invalid traffic. Taking the iPhone as an example, the selected keywords must be closed first, so as to obtain precision potential users. Digging words about food and travel will definitely be out of time.
  1. Search volume: Select keywords with a certain search volume to ensure that there is enough potential user group. But at the same time, it should be noted that high search volume often means high competition. It is not a word that is not a high search volume. It must be a word suitable for your own website.

      3.Competition: Evaluate the intensity of competition for keywords. For beginners, you can start with long -tail keywords with relatively low competitiveness, and gradually accumulate ranking advantages and then advance to more competitive keywords.

  1. Business value: Consider the commercial value behind the keywords. Although some keywords are not high, they may be directly converted into high -value sales clues or purchase behaviors.


What we want to say here is how to lay keywords from the perspective of the official website SEO after digging out the suitable keywords.

  1. Page TDK: Integrate the main keywords into the title and page description, which is the first step to attract users to click. A long -tail traffic word is optimized through good page title and page description, and the traffic that can bring is not less than a core word with a high search volume.
  1. Page TDK: Integrate the main keywords into the title and page description, which is the first step to attract users to click. A long -tail traffic word is optimized through good page title and page description, and the traffic that can bring is not less than a core word with a high search volume.
  1. Internal links: Connect the related page through internal links, which not only enhances the user experience, but also helps search engines to better understand the website structure and enhance the correlation of keywords.
  1. External links (anti -chain): The value of high -quality external links, especially links from industry authoritative websites, will help further improve the weight and keyword ranking of the website.

V、Continuous adjustment and iteration

User search is a continuous change. As a beginner of SEO, what needs to be done is to continuously monitor the performance of keywords and adjust. With the help of analysis tools to track the ranking of keyword rankings, search volume, conversion rate, etc., paving the most suitable keywords for the website according to data feedback can bring stable traffic improvement to the corporate website.

The above are some of the keywords I have shared by how to choose the keywords for SEO. I believe that after reading these, most SEO beginners have some concepts on how to choose keywords for the official website of the enterprise. As a beginner of SEO, as long as you follow the above steps, continue to learn and practice, you can stand out in fierce competition and bring considerable traffic and benefits to the corporate website.


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