What SEO details need to be clarified during the optimization process of corporate websites?

What SEO details need to be clarified during the optimization process of corporate websites?插图

In the fiercely competitive online market, SEO optimization of corporate websites is not only the key to improving brand visibility, but also an important means to attract potential customers and promote business growth. Let me share my views on several issues that need to be paid attention to when optimizing corporate websites.

The accurate positioning of the whole site optimization is not as simple as giving a company a few designated keywords. On the contrary, it is a long-term process. In other words, everything from the positioning of the corporate website to the future development direction should be considered.

That is, when you receive an optimization list for the entire website, it is literally responsible for every step of the website’s development. Keyword ranking is no longer the first place, but the grasp of the overall marketing of the website. If you want to achieve these goals, the most important carrier is your website.

Choose the website template correctly and build a corporate website now. I believe you can get a lot in one day. This is because we already have a lot of resources and only need to make a few modifications to go online. But just like the above-mentioned website positioning, the entire website optimization is a long-term process, so when choosing a website template, you must fully consider the applicability to the enterprise.

In the final analysis, whether the website layout can fully meet the rigid needs of corporate website content has become an issue that everyone should pay attention to. At the beginning of the website launch, we should consider the problems we will encounter in the future and try to cover less than 80%. Otherwise, if you don’t pay attention when modifying or adding things in the future, it will be very difficult, and sometimes it will have a negative impact on search engines, especially for new sites that have just been launched.

Target keywords and long-tail keyword mode settings, general enterprise website optimization, usually only need to optimize the website homepage, a few target keywords have good rankings. For full-site optimization, we should not only consider the target keywords, but also pay special attention to the layout settings of long-tail keywords.

For example, the existence of each page is not randomly displayed to users. It must be made valuable to users, otherwise redundant pages are likely to drag down the weight accumulation of the entire website. The suggestion here is that if some unimportant pages must be displayed to users, try using nofollow tags, such as corporate website about us pages, contact us, etc.

Correctly selecting the domain name, space and registration nature, and putting the domain name space registration together are also very important for site-wide optimization. Why do you say that? Again, the optimization of the entire website is a website as a whole, and all aspects of the factors should be taken into consideration. If you choose a domain name, try to choose one that is easy for your customers to remember, because when your website is really big, the domain name is also a very important brand. As for the choice of space, it cannot be said that the most expensive one must be used. Good requirements are stability and keeping up to speed. At least your customer base should be in good shape when visiting the area.

Regarding the nature of the registration, the enterprise website must be of the nature of the enterprise registration. This point also needs to be emphasized, because currently many corporate websites are eager to go online. For the sake of convenience, if they register in their personal capacity or do not base it on the true situation of the website, sooner or later the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology may cancel the registration number after discovering it. Therefore, to optimize the entire website, special attention should be paid to the domain name, space, and the nature of the website records.

In terms of website content construction, we must pay more attention to the needs of users. Many companies can also abide by the content publishing rules after going online and insist on updating original content every day. But it ignores a very important point, that is, your content is presented to your user base, not specifically to search engines.

Therefore, many people are deliberately creating “long-tail keywords” when publishing articles, hoping that every article can bring traffic. The idea is right, but content construction is naturally good. If it doesn’t work, we can’t force it. Otherwise, it’s really about pandering to search engines. This way, search engines won’t like it. Because there is a popular saying in content construction: content that users like is content that search engines like.

External link building should be natural rather than overwhelming. Publishing external links may be the most familiar and may be the simplest step in website optimization. But there is a very serious question here. Are your external links healthy? Can they bring real value to the website? In order to achieve a keyword ranking, many people like to add the required descriptive text to major forums and blogs in a short period of time. What needs to be noted here is that with the continuous adjustment of search engines, the weight of external links of forum blogs can no longer be lower.

It is very likely that these external links are only for search engines and not really for users. For example, we all like to go SEO forum and so on.

Just imagine, you publish your machine or beauty chain on an SEO website, and the content is irrelevant. How valuable is this chain? The suggestion here is that when publishing external links, it should be natural. Don’t pursue quantity, which will make the website’s external links too rampant. However, you can publish some industry-related website external links. Otherwise, the probability of being blocked by a search engine will increase. Even if you can avoid it once, no one can guarantee that you will avoid it the next time. So for the health of the website, please be cautious in building external links.

Do not take ranking as the main goal. Based on the above five points, the last point mentioned here “do not take keyword ranking as the main goal” can be easily understood. The optimization of the entire website is aimed at the long-term development of the entire website, so don’t focus on keyword rankings every day. Spend more time and energy on the long-term development of the website. This is the essence of optimization of the entire website.

The above seven points of attention are the seven most basic issues in the entire process of site optimization for operating companies, and they need to be taken seriously.

For other details in the entire optimization process, such as URL standardization, code simplification, use of three tags, site structure, appropriate links, etc.

Q:How to conduct effective keyword research for corporate websites?

A:Answers can include principles of keyword selection, tool use, and strategy formulation.

Q: How to improve the loading speed of corporate website?

A: Explain the methods of optimizing images, using cache, reducing HTTP requests, etc., and the impact of these measures on SEO and user experience.

Q: How important is mobile optimization to enterprise SEO?

A: Analyze the current status of mobile device popularity, the search habits and needs of mobile users, and the impact of mobile optimization on SEO rankings.

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